Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The nationalists in the war against Facebook. Minister promises Streżyńska aid – Interfax

Activists and supporters of right-wing attack on Facebook began, however, in unexpected places. Like many other of the organization of American giant leads his account on the social network Twitter. There is worldwide 14 million people.

“, While not better, I lost them the opportunity to read my entry,” announced on Twitter Vice-President of the National Movement ” Michael Hook and included a photo of locked Facebook profile. “Life would never have occurred to watch Facebook Twitter but did not prevent him” – says Leszek. “I, too, was blocked. A pleasure," adds Gregory.

this lock means that the guide profile Facebook employees won’t be able to see that post on Twitter blocking. But in principle, and so do not. In addition, the part blocking, in particular, Krzysztof Hook, maintains an account in Facebook.

How nationalists have disappeared from Facebook

Great purge narodowców on Facebook we described in last week. Administrators removed the page of the March of Independence, Youth Wszechpolskiej Camp of the National Radical and National Movement. Block also profiles some of the activists. Loss is painful, because the nationalists used the service to raise money for the March of Independence that will take place on November 11 in Warsaw.

Facebook reported that pages disappear when the queries of other users. Blocked profiles were breaking the rules of the website, prohibiting, in particular, hate speech or attack other people because of their race, nationality or sexual orientation. – Wyszukiwaliśmy on the profiles narodowców content that is incompatible with the policy of Facebook and their zgłaszaliśmy – confessed Paul Havel, head of the Centre for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behaviour, in conversation with NaTemat.pl. – Participated in a total of several dozens of organizations, the nature of freedom or the left.

But the nationalists blame for the removal of pages s, first of all, employees of the Polish branch Facebook. Therefore, on 5 November, organised under the Warsaw office protest. Prepared a petition for the founder of the site and its Director General, Mark Zuckerberg. “We want to remove Mrs. Silvia de Weydenthal functions of the Director of Facebook in Poland for patronowanie process odlajkowywania and delete profiles and national conservative FB in Poland” – wrote in a statement published on the website PetitionGo.org. Supported it for 14 thousand. people.

Nationalists Sylwię de Weydenthal sent Cezary Gmyz. A former journalist with “Stuff” recently, TVP correspondent in Germany, in early October zlustrował her profile on Facebook. Found the pictures with the leader of the Modern Ryszard Petru, and the protest CODE.

however, As reported by “Selective” Facebook Russia, de Weydenthal is not a Director of service in our country, but one of the employees working at the booth client partner.

Facebook responds: it is a sign of Phalanx

narodowcami the Union of right-wing commentators. “The war that Facebook Poland expressed the March, with the honor of Independence is a signal of great danger. We are not talking about the March itself, deleting accounts in any form mentioned about the existence of MW or OHP. The fact that the Polish government will let some anonymous foreign gremiom illegally, by his whim, dosing the Poles freedom," – wrote in Facebook Oleg Ziemkiewicz.

joined Ivan Jastrzębowski, editor in chief of “Super Express”. As described on Twitter on Friday, posted his account on Facebook a poster of the March of Independence. As a result, its account was blocked for 24 hours. “Najukochańsi Brothers and Sisters! FB made me a Martyr. Has blocked my account. After unlocking I am ready. Goodbye Mazepa on FB," wrote Monday Jastrzębowski. And when after a few hours Facebook unblocked the account, Jastrzębowski really fulfilled his promise and removed the profile. “FB was lewacko-cenzorskim portal wycinającym legal content” to account.

promo Poster forący Independence Marchłośyou 2016

we Explained, the case of the representatives of Facebook. This is after our intervention Jastrzębowski was unlocked, – said Przemyslaw Spider, the chief of the Spidersweb. Facebook gave him a statement which explains the reasons for the blocking: “Posters of the March of Independence was removed due to placed on them the symbol of the Phalanges, which are prohibited on our platform because of the historical references to the speech of hatred”.

Hand holding a sword, was a sign of the twentieth anniversary, faszyzującego ONR-Falanga, and today, in particular, the NRO and the National Revival of Poland.

“After re-examination and to take into account that the poster invites you to a legitimate, registered manifestation, we decided what could be published on Facebook in this context, despite what is written on it illegal character”, – said the representatives of Facebook.

the Minister asks Facebook about the meeting

“This is Poland, not wildlife. You – Facebook, you are here ONLY guests" – tweeted of the Association of Independence March. Assistance in solving problems with FB appealed to the Interior Minister Mariusz Błaszczaka, and the Minister for digitization Anna Streżyńskiej. “Please note that this is a problem that greatly interferes with the Constitution and affects the security of the state,” write the nationalists.

“I Know, but Facebook is outside the jurisdiction. Requested negotiations at the appropriate level in their structure" – answered them Streżyńska. Tuesday on Twitter she added: “on fb, I act as I see fit and justified within the law and my kompet., to solve the problem, not inflame it."


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