Scientists from the European southern Observatory examined the characteristic structures in the Carina Nebula. He called them the pillars of destruction.

the Observed structures resemble the Pillars of Creation, which we know from the eagle Nebula. It appears, however, that, given the nature of the objects in the Carina Nebula is more incorrect the name of the economic pillars of destruction.
you can see the spires and columns visible on the photo? This cloud of gas and dust inside the region gwiazdotwórczego. They return scientists – ironic nickname due to the fact that after the formation in this region of the star, the cloud is destroyed. This is due to the ionizing radiation that strips atoms of their electrons.
the Effect is explored in the Carina Nebula also called fotoparowaniem. The ionized gas is diverted and the poles, lose weight, reports ESO. There is a connection between radiation near stars and zanikaniem posts.
Photo: ESO/A. McLeod
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