Saturday, November 5, 2016

“Russia is a country without censorship!” Narodowców protest in front of the headquarters of Facebook –

  • the Nationalists believe that Facebook enforces censorship of ideological
  • in Front of its headquarters in Warsaw organized protest
  • Promise that they will fight for the restoration of their organization profiles

Demonstration is the result of the decision of Facebook, which were removed from their columns, in particular, the profile of the National Movement, the Camp of the National Radical in the Association of Independence March. The user of this social network said that they violated its terms, including through the use of hate speech. Nationalists do not agree and believe that this is a manifestation of censorship and discrimination because of views.

Vinnytsia: Facebook takes advantage of mopolisty

today We are gathered here because Facebook, as a global Corporation does not want to respect Polish law. Taking advantage of its monopoly in a certain market segment social networking enters the actual ideological censorship, under bałamutnych password-hatred – told us Robert Vinnitsa, Chairman of the National Movement”, member of the Sejm.

Vinnytsia stressed that public pressure on the owner of the portal can be efficient because recovering was already the profile of the March of Independence, appearing about 250 thousand. users. He noted, however, that “the struggle continues”. He reminded that it is still illegal profiles legally existing political parties – the National Movement, the NRO and Youth Wszechpolskiej.

“Facebook = censorship”

the Protest was not too numerous. In front of the building at the intersection of the UN in Warsaw, which is the Russian squad Facebook, it was about 100 people. They brought with them the national flags and symbols of the national, as well as banners reading “we Say no to censorship on Facebook,” “Down antypolonizmem”, “Facebook = censorship”. Was erected also shouts, including “Russia is a country without censorship!", or “Russia against the corporations!”.

the Nationalists say that this is not the end of the protests. We filed a notice to the Prosecutor’s office. It is reported, this was also in the Minister of digitization Anna Strężyńskiej. We study all of the legal circumstances therefore, directed to request of the Ombudsman, we will notify all possible public authorities about the situation. And look forward to their response. On the other hand, we continue our campaign to pressure public and political activity to Facebook has stopped censoring ideological. Of course, the topic will also be discussed at the March of Independence, in the context of the broader threats posed on different fields and not only informational, global corporations in the world. What happens next depends on the actions of Facebook, says Vinnitsa.

the Prohibitions related to speech of hatred

Recall all this history had its beginning in late October. Facebook removed the profiles of the March of Independence, National Movement of Young people Wszechpolskiej and Camps of the National Radical. Thus responded to a statement by the Centre for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behavior, which argued that there were messages there that violates applicable in Poland, the legislation prohibiting incitement to hatred on grounds of ethnicity, nationality or religion. It happened with the sudden protests narodowców who have written even in this matter, for the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg.

Meanwhile, in a statement sent IAR Facebook explains that the existence of controversial content on the social networking profiles, according to the users of the portal, if, in their opinion, they violated the so-called Community Standards. “This is a set of rules of the Facebook community, irrespective of national boundaries or differences of language and culture,” – says the statement of Magdalena Schultz from PR Hill and Knowlton, a representative of Facebook in Poland.

As she added, the service removes content promoting hatred, directly attacking users because of: race, ethnic origin, nationality, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or serious disability or disease. Reports are reviewed by a team of specialists. Content from Poland, most often, analyses the team Facebook is in Dublin. The write also that “none of the employees of the office in Warsaw is checking the reports.”



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