This is a spectacular creation Zika virus, which vexes expectant mothers and researchers, and more recently the organizers of the Summer Olympics in Brazil. Meanwhile, the researchers succeeded in using the imaging lens of the microscope krioelektronowego, analyze the structure of the virus at the molecular level. In this case, it was necessary to freeze the virus so that it retains the intricate structure. During the study we found that it is very similar to dengue, including impressive hemorrhagic fever.
“Almost” make a difference
The researchers noted, however, some differences, especially in glycoproteins on the surface of the virus, which a basic component of blood group substances and the number of receptors present on the cell surface. And it is precisely this subtle difference structure may be responsible for the penetration of the virus to the fetus of pregnant women and newborns, causing microcephaly – a serious genetic disorder characterized by deformation of the skull. At least they speculate virologists – Devika Sirohi and Richard Kuhn of Purdue University in Indiana. Your research published in the latest industry magazine “Science”.
Overcoming the blood-brain barrier and bearing and
as confirmed by Sirohi, most viruses are able to break the blood-brain barrier, protecting the nervous system against harmful agents, and permitting the selective transport of substances from the blood to the cerebrospinal fluid, and bearings, to penetrate to the fetus. However, what is impossible for many other viruses, Zika beats with ease. For this same course of severity of infection remains for scientists a riddle.
Hope in the diagnosis and vaccination
So far, cases of infection caused by a virus Zika, as well as cases of microcephaly in infants, reported in more than 30 countries, mainly in Brazil and French Polynesia.
Richard Kuhn says that the latest knowledge of the protein structure of the virus could help in the development of new diagnostics and formulations for vaccination.
Expert flavivirus – which is among the Zika virus – already in 2002 and 2003 along with fellow scientists discovered the structure of dengue.
dpa / Agnieszka Rycicka
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