Tuesday, November 22, 2016

NASA studied houseplants clean the air. Our grandmothers and mothers, they’re right – ZetChilli

undoubtedly, many people wondered why in Polish homes, grow quite unattractive-looking plants. Meanwhile, the service Lovethegarden.com he recalled a forgotten report, made in 1989, NASA, which is still relevant, and which should be a clue for people who care about their health.

it Turns out that plants are familiar to us since childhood, perform a very important function. It’s not enough that they produce oxygen and filter the air from hazardous compounds. Every day we don’t think about that, sitting quietly in the house, we inhaled benzene is used to make plastics and medicines, and through it often, we have headaches and eye irritation.

Plants purify the air

In a homelike atmosphere circulate also formaldehyde is used in the production of napkins, which can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes. And trichloroethylene is used in paints may cause dizziness and headache. Xylene is used for the production of rubber, harm the heart, liver, and hate. And ammonia, a common component of detergents, it dries the throat and irritates the eyes. Fortunately, a simple way you can reduce or even eliminate harmful links and enjoy clean air. In addition, the house where a lot of greenery, promotes relaxation.

to get rid of benzene in the room should be put aglaonemę, epipremnum gold, dracenę wonną, ivy or sansewierię. And if we want that the room was free of formaldehyde, in addition to these plants, which absorb benzene, stocking daktylowiec, ferns, zielistkę Sternberg, palm reefs and ficus Benjamin. Arms on the ammonia szafirkowata liriope and Lily Flamingo. Trichloroethylene has no chance with ivy, and liriope sansevierią szafirkowatą. On xylitol will help almost all of the above plants, and especially epipremnum gold.

Autumn is the best time to supply the house in the natural filters of air. In the end, open Windows when the air outside is dirty, not pleasant. It is worth noting that NASA, the report recommended that 10 square meters accounted for one plant. In a word, plant the plants in pots and plants to healthy cold.


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