Thursday, November 17, 2016

It was noticed unknown supergromadę galaxies – Polish Radio

Najmasywniejszą supergromadą known in our local Universe Supergromada Shapley, Shapley Harlowa discovered in 1930. She is from us at 650 million light-years.

Another, hitherto unknown, large supergromadę of galaxies in the constellation of the Sails, discovered recently, a research group from South Africa, Holland, Australia and Germany, with the participation of Polish astronomer working in the Netherlands. We are separated from it a distance of 800 million light years, and the sky occupies an area of more than Supergromada Shapley.

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the Discovery was made on the basis of observations we of thousands of galaxies.

- Despite the rather great distance from us supergromada in the Sail can have a significant impact on the motion of the Local Group nearest to us group of several dozen galaxies to which also belongs the milky Way] – said Dr. Maciej Bilicki Observatory in Leiden, which is mainly engaged in the theoretical part of the studies: the calculation of the number of galaxies and the density supergromady.

- We hope this will solve the puzzle of the observed motions of galaxies around us, he added.

confirmation of the existence supergromady in the Sail, was observed for the first time in 2012, managed to get just now, because the sky is part of the milky Way. As explained by the astronomer, the obstacle in the study of this area is dust and stars of our Galaxy.

nearby is Also one of the brightest x-ray sources – supernova remnants in the Sail – which effectively hinders or even makes impossible the measurement of x-rays, is used to search for clusters of galaxies.

it’s bad enough there are no obstacles of nature, space, research never earthly nature. When scientists got time for observations on the telescope AAT in 2013, a large Bush fire prevented observation and they had to wait until the year of their implementation.

- and Then still had to analyze the data and convinced themselves that this is actually not a random accumulation of a small number of galaxies, only really supergromada – presently we have strong evidence, said Dr. Bilicki.

the researchers determined supergromadę on the Sail is called Terra Incognita. This is used in mapping Latin term means “the land of the unknown”, a white spot on the maps. Researchers figuratively compares supergromadę to the great unknown continent which science is only beginning to understand. Promise further studies to understand how great this supergromada and to determine its value kosmologiczne.

PAP Training in Poland, kk


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