Sunday, August 28, 2016

The expected difficulties on the route Katowice and national “7″ –

Difficulties have also occur on the roads: No. 719 and No. 579 Jaktorowie in Makówka.

Police on a regular basis will oversee traffic on all road sections covered by the protests and guided travelers for the upcoming tours.

protests in towns and Branch Memorial to start at. 15, Jaktorowie pm. 15.30, while in Makówka pm. 16. The participants will be walking on pedestrian crossings, what – admits the police – may be associated with the occurrence of significant traffic congestion. All protests are to last for hours. 20.

“We appeal to drivers to exercise caution and use detours prepared by officials,” – noted in the message informing about the difficulties the Metropolitan police.

the police therefore were announced protests asking all drivers to “precise trip planning and special care, and where it is possible for selecting alternative routes and the use of the information boards and traffic signs and instructions of “.

in case of blockage in the Memorial for drivers going in the direction of Krakow is recommended twist to the right in Rembertów in st. The main and then drive through Michrów and Kruszewo to the national road No. 50. On the other hand, driving in the direction of Warsaw in Głuchów should leave the “7″ right to Lesznowola, continue to enter the road No. 772 and the Prażmów get to the village of Moose, where you should enter on the road No. 876 and guided to Tarczyna. An alternate detour for going to the capital takes the lead in the streets near the lock: Border gardens and Pawłowicką.

Designated tours do not apply to vehicles – warns the police.

on the other hand, in the case of a lock on the driver’s driving route Katowice from Warsaw to Katowice can drive through the village of Huta Żabiowolska, Zabia Wola, Kaleń, Skuły, Piotrkowice, Chudolipie on the national road No. 50 in the direction of Mszczonów. While driving in the direction of Warsaw they will be directed to the node Wiskitki on route A-2.

In the case of the other locks detours will be conducted closest local roads.

this is another of this year’s protest residents of Mazovia municipalities through which has run high voltage power line from Kozienice to Ołtarzew. According to the protesters investment adversely affect, among others, the water quality. While growers Grójec believe that the 400 kV line will have a bad effect on the quality of their crops.

Mileage line of demarcation was repeatedly. In early August, Polish Power Grid reported that the power line high voltage 400 kV Kozienice-Oltarzew will be built using the corridor defined in the zoning plan province. Mazowieckie and run by municipalities Żabia Wola, Jaktorów, Radziejowice Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Jasieniec and Promna.

” Paving a new variant on the one hand buried generated by the many months of social consensus and silencing the voice of the experts and the people affected by the change of decision, on the other hand the need to perform additional research and analyzes, as well as the subsequent public consultation, which in practice prevent the construction of the Kozienice-Oltarzew in near future “- suggests the protesters.

PSE convincing and that the line is a very important investment. According to PSE will use it to derive power from the built Poland’s largest power unit 1070 MW power plant in Kozienice. It also has to provide energy not only for expanding the agglomeration of Warsaw and Warsaw itself, but also the central and northeastern region Polish; in total for at least a few million people.


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