Wednesday, February 24, 2016

About Popieluszko, “puczystach” and Soviet history. Notes and photos of the house Kiszczak – TVN24

Photo: Jacek Turczyk / PAP | Video: tvn24 The materials are mainly documents of historical

on Wednesday, the Institute of National Remembrance has made available to journalists and historians of the second batch of materials found at home gen. Czeslaw Kiszczak. This time it is twenty different documents, mainly of a historical nature.

These materials – included Monday to archival resources IPN – are made available in the form of electronic copies in the reading room of the Institute in Warsaw. There came many fewer journalists than Monday, when made available two briefcases SB agent “Bolek” from the years 1970 to 1976.

Since 1945. Until 1981. Kiszczak served in the military secret services of the communist regime, which led to 70s .; then there was 1990. head of the Interior Ministry. He was the closest collaborator gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski under martial law, which he co-wrote (for which he was finally sentenced to two years in prison, suspended, although the Supreme Court received a cassation defense, who died in 2015. Kiszczak).

At the command …


“huge pressures on the resort, me”

in the documents made available on Wednesday are .: fragments of memories Kiszczak and his handwritten notes on various topics. There is also a book manuscript on Kiszczak and materials for his upcoming biography.

In these texts Kiszczak says, among others, that in the ’80s were “huge pressures on the resort, for me to arrest priests violate the law.” “All I settled refused,” – he added b. The head of the Interior Ministry. He recalled, too, that “very hard to survive,” the murder of Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko in 1984. By three officers of the Interior Ministry. In the context of the murder fell statement about “puczystach.”

Another document is the note ws. The structure and the staff of the department IV Ministry of Internal Affairs of 25 October 1984. (Ie shortly after the murder of Fr. Popieluszko by the officers of the department). Mentioned therein that the department is working 180 officers, including 154 – operating. As the head of department I, recognizing the “anti-state activities among the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church”, said the captain. Grzegorz Piotrowski (one of the killers of Father). Note describes the tasks and cast all nine departments.

Excerpts from speeches Kiszczak

There are also instances of projects Kiszczak before the Sejm Committee on Constitutional Responsibility, which in the 90s was examining the responsibility of the perpetrators of martial law (in 90s parliament refused to bring them before the State Tribunal). “Martial law was introduced on the basis of the Constitution” – said there Kiszczak. Questioned also said that the state of war claimed more than 100 deaths.

Lech Walesa …


there are also fragments of Kiszczak before a Warsaw court. The general was accused of sending ciphertext December 1981. Ws. Principles of the use of weapons by troops shorted MO. It was the basis for action MO in the “Wujek”, where in December 1981. Shots of riot police killed nine miners. The accused said there that he had the right and duty to give the ciphertext, to “fill the legal gap.” This process did not end in death Kiszczak, after which it was canceled.

A separate document is a 36-page handwritten memories Kiszczak events December 1970. (He was then deputy head of military counterintelligence). The collection is also partly filled notebook belonging to the WSW work Kiszczak. He believes in it his subordinates from the Interior Ministry. There are also documents about the course of military service Kiszczak. “Modest, direct, matey” – wrote about him in 1983. Gen. Jaruzelski proposal to appoint him to the rank of Lieutenant General.

The files are also assess the situation in Poland from 1980-1981 year. We are talking about the intelligence activities of Soviet troops in Poland and the Czechoslovak army, whose intelligence “leads the systematic identification of roads and border regions on the Polish side.” It was mentioned that the USSR troops in the Kaliningrad region have introduced increased combat readiness.

“Photos from the time of the Round Table”

There are also copies of pictures from the time of the Round Table, which are .: Kiszczak, Wojciech Jaruzelski, Adam Michnik, ks. Henryk Jankowski, Lech Walesa and Bronislaw Geremek.

– Photos, as well as documents, which have so far managed to skim rather not raise sensation – reported reporter TVN24 Pawel Lukasik who reviewed the documents.

As he spoke, one of the pictures probably a military ceremony is gen. Jaruzelski, and in the background is a gene. Kiszczak. – There is also a photograph probably taken in the Parliament gene. Kiszczak and Lech Walesa. In the next picture, also made in the Sejm, Bronislaw Geremek is. These images are just a few – reported reporter.

Video: tvn24 TVN24 reporter shared photos and documents

Projects instances Kiszczak

Lech Walesa …


the records are also instances of projects Kiszczak before TS (which in the 90s acquitted him on so-called. affair alcohol).

also in the collection are copies of documents ws. the police in June 1990. Mlawa decommissioning roadblock by protesting farmers and unlocking building of the Ministry of agriculture. The documents show that a roadblock after negotiations ended without use of force; the building of the Ministry unlocked with the police, which led occupying farmers.

Other documents include: a curriculum vitae Miroslaw Milewski 1953. (predecessor Kiszczak at the head of the Ministry of Interior); copies of the files of the process Waclaw Komar 1953 .; a copy of the letter Mieczyslaw Rakowski 1958 .; memories gen. Joseph Kuropieski (prisoner under Stalinism); assessment of the political situation at the end of 1980 .; statistical materials MSW as a crime in the years 1976-1985 and the note ws. the structure of the Ministry of Interior department IV of 25 October 1984. (shortly after the murder of Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko by three officers of the department).

“Without a doubt, the documents are valuable “

– Documents that provide today, mainly come from the personal archive of Czeslaw Kiszczak – said Rafal Leśkiewicz from the Institute of National Remembrance. He added that all documents will be subject to analysis by historians IPN.

– Without a doubt, the documents are valuable because they are made or by Czeslaw Kiszczak, or in connection with his activities. At typescripts books are his handwritten annotations, annotations, comments. So the material is undoubtedly interesting for all historians who are interested in biography gem. Czeslaw Kiszczak – stressed Leśkiewicz.

He added that at this moment it is difficult to answer the question of whether some documents raise concerns because they were not analyzed from the standpoint of historical and archival only. – We know that we can be useful in the statutory activities and we are confident about is that we can make them available to all interested parties, but historians have estimated how much they are valuable and new information they contain – he said.

Video: tvn24 “Without a doubt, the documents are valuable”

documents from the house Kiszczak

February 16 with Maria Kiszczak IPN prosecutor secured the documents to be handed over to the Institute of National Remembrance – all in all it was a six packages. Actions taken within the framework initiated in 2015. Ws investigation. Veiled by an unauthorized person, the documents to be transferred IPN. The law provides for a penalty of 6 months to 8 years in prison for those who “being in possession of the documents to be transferred to the Institute, evades their transfer, makes it difficult to transfer or thwarts them.” The widow of Kiszczaku reported to the IPN, offering sales documents for 90 thousand. zł.

As the first IPN released documents TW “Bolek”, which include handwritten commitment to cooperation, signed: Lech Walesa, “Bolek”. President of the Institute of National Remembrance Lukasz Kaminski said that the documents will be subjected to various kinds of research and verification, including “ekspertyzom type grafologicznego.” According to the expert archivist documents “Bolek” are authentic.

“There can not be any of the materials of my origin” – provides Walesa. He wrote in a network that did not cooperate with the SB, but made a mistake and gave the word “perpetrator” and can not reveal the truth. He pointed out that the denunciations could be exploited his handwritten notes seized during the search. Recently reported that secret police had to demonstrate that it works and wrote for his denunciations to take his money account.

According to Kaminski additional materials out of the house, who died in 2015. Kiszczak be transmitted successively, as soon as It will be possible. Not disclosed yet, what else is inside them.

Author: js // weaves / PAP, TVN24


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