Friday, November 13, 2015

New rocky planet only 39 light years from us! It’s twin sister of Venus and not Earth – Gazeta Wyborcza

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             Giles 1132b cr & # x105; & # x17C; & # x105; ca Wok & # XF3; & # x142; parent star - a vision of the artist

Giles 1132b orbiting its parent star - a vision of the artist (Dana Berry / MIT News)




The discovery of the near, a new planet describe in "Nature" American astronomers. Unfortunately, probably not suitable for habitation.


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When in late July discovered a planet slightly larger than Earth, which orbits a distant star about 1.4 thousand. light years, called it "an older cousin of the Earth", and NASA announced the discovery at a press conference.

This time, though discovery is equally - if not more - interesting place without much fanfare. Astronomers from the US Massachusetts Institute of Technology also discovered a rocky planet, but orbiting much closer to the star.

It all started on May 10 when one of the telescopes in Chile recorded a very slight decrease of the star's brightness Giles 1132, located 39 light years from us. This fall-off usually means that before something flashed a shield stars, for example. Orbiting the planet. Such a method (called eclipsing binaries) discovered several thousand planets, most but much more distant. - Given the fact that our galaxy measures 100,000 years light in diameter, there is a very close to the star and the planet - says Zachory Berta-Thompson, one of the authors of the discovery.

To confirm the discovery of telescope began to watch star every 45 seconds, and actually found that regularly every 1.6 days brilliance star drops by 0.3 percent. It's been conclusively evidenced by the fact that it orbits the planet. Calculations show that it is not much larger than Earth's, its diameter astronomers estimated at 14.8 thousand. km (for comparison, Earth is 12.7 thousand. km, Venus and 12.1 thous.). The researchers publish their findings in the latest issue of the weekly magazine "Nature".

The newly discovered planet is about as normal a little romantic and difficult-to-remember symbol of GJ 1132b circles the parent star in 1.6 days at a distance of 2.3 million kilometers. And although its parent star, a red dwarf, is much smaller than our Sun (a fifth of its size) and emitting less energy (because suddenly one hundredth of energy that radiates our star), the planet orbits it so close that its surface must be heated to 260 deg. C.

Nie is thus a twin of Earth, or rather of Venus, where the temperature on the surface is equally high. This is what kindles the imagination, but especially scientists, is the fact that the "twin sister of Venus" is close enough that you will be able to observe the atmosphere through telescopes. Astronomers are hoping to explore not only the composition but also the dynamics, that is nothing like the weather. So we will see the first weather forecasts for planets outside our system.

Red dwarfs in our galaxy and throughout the universe much more than stars like the sun. It is estimated that one star of spectral type sun for about 12 red dwarfs. They would be a very good place for the development of civilization (burn their fuel much longer than main sequence stars similar to the Sun), were it not for that faint glow shine and can only warm the planet orbiting very close. In turn, the short distance from the parent star makes as a result of gravitational interaction planet stops spinning. As Mercury, with one side facing the sun is always on fire, while the other, where there is eternal darkness, handcuffed frost.

It is not known how the temperature distribution in the case when the planet has an atmosphere. Perhaps we will be able to check it out soon. In 2022. It is to be completed the construction of the European Extremely Large Telescope. It will have a large enough diameter mirror that not distant planet systems can be directly observed.



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Comments (10)



                                 Gimbaza can not write in the picture, that is a new planet and not a new star. for not-oriented. In the picture. These large, red is the star and the white dot is the planet.








                                 I do not know how to write such nonsense that Mercury has one hemisphere facing the sun all the time. Sir Michael, Training to the LORD.








                                 Giles can with dripping nose. Gliese!









                                 Dear Editor Bob Green, Michael, prawdopdobnie Magister, if not already Doc, if not downright assistant professor
    to write lyrics to popular not just the ability to read foreign-language materials and their roughly translating ...
    worth to know area, about which he writes, and some think.
    And as I do not necessarily think, at least not laze and check.

    He writes Mr. chwacko
    "... Giles 1132b orbiting its parent star ... "(caption under the photo)
    " ... decrease the brightness of the star Giles, 1132 ".
    If it was once, well, well, a typo. But as the Lord repeats the error, it means that you do not know the correct spelling.
    It Gliese rather than Giles.
    Wilhelm Gliese is quite famous and hard-working German astronomer, known even juvenile amateur gwiaździarzom, and this Because of his efforts in cataloging the star nearest to us.
    addition: I do not want the Lord to worry about, but Mercury, however, is rotating around its own axis, so it is on this planet and day and night, and sunrise, and sunset (slightly different than on the famous Lord of the Earth, but they are; and the temperature gradient at the surface, about which you write, concerns the differences between day and night - contrary to what the Lord proclaims there is on one side of the "eternal darkness").

    Good luck in further "discoveries".








                                 40 years is very little light. It is possible to master techonologii allowing there to fly within a few hundred years - is again almost nothing in the time scale of civilization. And then probably it is a known technology that allows to change conditions on this planet to fit for life. It's a specific goal for scientists.








                                 Dear Editor Bob Green, Michael, prawdopdobnie Magister, if not already Doc, if not downright assistant professor
    to write lyrics to popular not just the ability to read foreign-language materials and their roughly translating ...
    worth to know area, about which he writes, and some think.
    And as I do not necessarily think, at least not laze and check.

    He writes Mr. chwacko
    "... Giles 1132b orbiting its parent star ... "(caption under the photo)
    " ... decrease the brightness of the star Giles, 1132 ".
    If it was once, well, well, a typo. But as the Lord repeats the error, it means that you do not know the correct spelling.
    It Gliese rather than Giles.
    Wilhelm Gliese is quite famous and hard-working German astronomer, known even juvenile amateur gwiaździarzom, and this Because of his efforts in cataloging the star nearest to us.
    addition: I do not want the Lord to worry about, but Mercury, however, is rotating around its own axis, so it is on this planet and day and night, and sunrise, and sunset (slightly different than on the famous Lord of the Earth, but they are; and the temperature gradient at the surface, about which you write, concerns the differences in the time of day / night, and not between "the parties" planet).

    Good luck in further "discoveries".





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