Sunday, October 11, 2015

Pluto does not cease to surprise. You can see the blue sky above him – Gazeta Wyborcza

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             B & # x142; & # x119; blue sky over Pluto. arises under wp & # x142; ywem ultraviolet radiation, KT & # XF3; re branch & # x142; kisses with simple organic substances such as methane and ethane.

Blue sky over Pluto. Formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation that interacts with simple organic substances such as methane and ethane. (Fig. NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI)




After several years of road and passing Pluto probe New Horizons sends a steady stream of new pictures of the dwarf planet. Each serving of data received on Earth brings new, often surprising information.


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Before scientists began to know better this distant world, were convinced that a dead body of orbiting far beyond Neptune, and did not expect anything surprising . Everyone was focused on confirming previous assumptions on the structure and appearance of asteroids.

Meanwhile, the first color images of Pluto suggests that it has an atmosphere that creates the blue haze above the surface of the globe. - Who would have expected? Blue sky in the Kuiper Belt? It's amazing - said Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute and principal investigator of the program, New Horizons.

Same particles floating above the planet's surface are gray or red, but the way in which scatter light, causes that we see the blue glow . - This incredible blue hue tells us about the composition of the particles floating above the surface - Carly said. The shade of the sky as seen on celestial bodies is caused by the particles floating in the atmosphere. For example, on Earth, where we can admire the blue of the sky due to scattering of sunlight by tiny particles of nitrogen.

Over the Pluto for the shade of the sky correspond to tholins. This small organic copolymers which are formed by ultraviolet radiation of simple organic compounds such as methane or ethane. They are common on the surface of icy bodies located in the outer solar system. For the first time the process of their formation was observed in the upper atmosphere of Titan (Saturn's moon).

Not only that surprised scientists. After analyzing recent data submitted by New Horizons they found that the surface of Pluto are small exposed areas of ice-covered pond. Scientists try to explain where his presence on the surface, because in the conditions of the planet should be hidden deep under the ice resulting from more volatile (eg. Ice methane).

New Horizons continues its mission between objects of the Kuiper Belt currently there are about 5 billion kilometers from Earth.

Source NASA



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Comments (12)



                                 There also is the kingdom of heaven?








                                 So far from the Sun, it's probably even a "day" it's dark?








                                 Is KK has announced a bishop someone on Pluto?









                                 on Earth where we can admire the blue of the sky due to scattering of sunlight by tiny particles of nitrogen
    wonder how small molecules? Is not it better to write it by diatomic nitrogen molecules?











                                 Yuggoth with blue atmosphere








                        What are you guys from the American Embassy, ​​these everyday materials platoon get? Who cares about this heap?








                                 4 billion klicks. Not bad. The signal goes an hour. I wonder if as Boziunia empty bittern from cloud over the earth is on Pluto also feel it ???





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