Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ig Noble, that is the funniest scientific prizes were distributed – News 24

The Harvard Ig Noble awards were given. They accrue to authors of studies that first provoke laughter, and then to consider. This year was recognized, inter alia, Japanese researchers on the degree of slippery banana peels.

 / Fig. youtube / print screen Ig Noble Awards humorous equivalent of Nobel Prizes for scientific work that first laugh, and then tend to think. Prizes are awarded by the magazine Annals of Improbable Research. The main idea of ​​these awards is to promote science and show entertaining aspects of the scientist.

This year was recognized, inter alia, band from the UK. According to their research, people who go to bed late, have a high self-esteem, are manipulantami and exhibit more psychopathic traits, from those who get up early in the morning – gives

In the category of “Public Health” winners, scientists from Czech Republic, Japan, the USA and India for a study that showed that having a cat is dangerous for our mental health. Scientists have detected changes in the psyche of young women infected with latent toxoplasmosis.

Among the winners they came also the scientists who determined that the dogs during defecation much more will be set up along the lines of the geomagnetic field of the Earth, running in a north-south direction.

Ig Nobel was awarded the Italian Government for inclusion in the management of revenues from prostitution and drug trafficking.

scientists always awarded every year appear at the gala awards ceremony in unusual attire – dressed to the cooks, and polar bears.

Ig Noble awarded since 1991.


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