Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Why Samsung has not improved camera Galaxy Note 7? – Spider’s Web

Samsung claims that the Galaxy Note 7 will be the smartphone for the most demanding users. If so, why not improved in the camera?

With just presented Samsung Galaxy Note 7 we had the opportunity to see a few days before the world premiere. Devices found their way into our hands only a few dozen minutes, but in fact it’s quite a lot of time. Any person who had prolonged contact with the smartphone series Galaxy S6 and S7, will feel right at home taking the Galaxy Note 7 to the hand.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 devices flagship, bigger, stronger, addressed to more demanding recipient. Relative Samsung Galaxy S7 have more diagonal screen, more memory, more storage capacity battery, more resistant glass on both sides of the housing and eventually a new stylus S Pen, which obsłużymy smartphone even under water.

I have the same camera.


Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is equipped with the same camera module as the Galaxy S7. it is a splendid camera equipped with a die with a resolution of 12 megapixels, on which a single pixel has a very large size 1.4 micrometers. for this we have a very bright lens with f / 1.7, and also optical stabilization. the front camera is equally clear, and its resolution of 5 million pixels.

These are great parameters that will allow to take very successful images that we have seen the example of Samsung’s Galaxy S7. it’s just that it’s all already know. There was no bonus differentiator, something extra.

Samsung broke up with a new trend in which larger smartphone has better camera

on the smart phone market can be seen a new trend in the enlarged models have a better camera. The most notorious example is the iPhone, which of the two generation is available in two sizes. The larger version Plus has an optical image stabilization, the lack of which is the basic model.

This strategy is not exclusive to Apple, and begins to be seen also in the Android camp, even in the model Huawei and P9 P9 Plus. The latter provides laser autofocus in the front and rear camera, a basic P9 only in the main kamerce.

The camera Note 7 does not find the hardware differences, and only minor changes in the layer of firmware

samsung-galaxy-note-7-camera (4)

Application camera Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has been slightly modified and gently refreshed. the icons have been changed, a panel of the mode the camera looks different now. the screen filters get through gesture shift finger to the side. They are not any revolutionary changes.

the Galaxy Note 7 is a smartphone that has a “catch up” with a series of S7. Skipped model Note 6 in order to align lines and markings smartphones. it’s logical play from the point of view of the customer, who after all does not have to keep track of all the Prime Minister. since Note “runs over” to the S series, could not it too much to overtake, because the next year’s premiere of Galaxy S8 would be a smaller event.

Still, I feel a slight hunger. Without a doubt, the Galaxy Note 7 is a hardware-positioned higher than the Galaxy S7. Too bad they ran out of here, the dot over the “i” in the form of slightly better components of the camera.

See now: Here are the Samsung Galaxy Note 7

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