polar shark photographed in the fjord Uummanna in north-west Greenland (Julius Niels)
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Greenland Shark (
Until now we knew little of their biology, it was clear, however, that these fish grow very slowly - about 1 cm per year. It was a hint that there may be long-lived.
The traditional method of determining the age of a species include the most common analysis of calcified tissues. But the shark does not have such tissues, so the researchers could not determine how many years the individual has. To finally come to grips with this problem, Dr. Julius Nielsen and his colleagues section of marine biology at the University of Copenhagen used a technique dating eye lens. They used to 28 females that tangled in fishing net.
Scientists have studied the nucleus of the eye lens, which is formed already during fetal development and is therefore as old as the same shark. This unique feature of the lens has already been used to determine the age of other vertebrates. It turned out that the average life expectancy studied sharks is 272 years. The two largest females (measuring respectively 493 cm and 502 cm) survived by these analyzes 335 and 392 years!
From this it follows that sharks polar are now the longest-living species of vertebrates on Earth.
They live whale Greenland (
A polar sharks live long and slow - in comparison to body size swimming the slowest of all fish examined so far. Wandering herds. And as befits sharks are carnivorous. They prey on fish and marine mammals (eg. The seals likely to fall prey to them when they rest and sleep in the water). Do not despise a land prey - in the stomach Greenland sharks were found the remains of reindeer and polar bears ...!
According to the old nomenclature are jajożyworodne (today this is called żyworodnością lecytotroficzną). This means that after internal fertilization embryos remain in the membranes of the egg inside the mother's body and nourish the egg yolk. Young released from membranes of egg laying eggs immediately before, during or immediately after their submission by the female. At the time of the birth of small rekinki are over 60 cm long.
polar Sharks were once harvested en masse because extracted from the liver oil. Raw meat of this fish is toxic, only dried suitable to eat. Today their existence is not threatened, but if further degrade the environment, is born today, individuals will no longer have a chance to live XXV century.
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One such fish could devour the citizens of all four rzeczpospolitych. Szyszko has to do with the order.
Duck to cross. And after 50 years to introduce getting up from his knees as Olympic discipline. And who forbid us?
Me very curious as scholars agree that the mussel has 507 years, not np.508?
The prophets of the Bible lived over tysac years so gernlandzkie whales did not impress us.
At the eye can see, that lead a long and exciting life.
Perhaps it is worth carefully check the construction of their DNA? Is
in its construction they are not dipped their fingers those who left the virtual holographic plans to build a pyramid to commemorate consecutive
... Interesting that nowhere found any plans of designers and builders of the pyramids .
had stored in memory?
"He was gaining ground when Shakespeare died."
Can still remember him?