Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Czabański: Jacek Kurski got a yellow card. His promotion is not too tasty – Gazeta Wyborcza

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                          Krzysztof Chabany  & # x144; ski, President & # x105; cy  Council Medi & # XF3; in the National

Krzysztof Czabański, chairman of the National Media (Fig. Przemek Wierzchowski / Agencja Gazeta.)



Jacek Kurski'm very disappointed. It's not even too good to television, which is managed so as to promote - said Krzysztof Czabański. He added that the National Media Council "made mistakes" during Tuesday's attempt to dismiss Kurski.





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Extensive interview with Krzysztof Czabańskim published the Polish Press Agency. PAP journalist Margaret Werner-Woś talked with the President about the circumstances RMN Thursday's attempt to dismiss the head of TVP Jacek Kurski. This attempt failed. Kurski was first canceled and members of the RMN already getting ready for the election of a new president. But after the break it was decided that voting on the election of temporary successor Kurski will not. Kurski remain in office to settle the contest for the head of TVP.

- I think that the mistake of the Council was that it ended the meeting, some things were said at half-time, which caused great excitement media. This is a mistake, for which I am responsible and wrong happened. I have a lesson for the future - said Czabański.

It's yellow card, only the yellow card

Chairman RMN He said that the decision on immediate appeal Kurski was made "because of serious concerns." - Application [PiS MP] Joanna Lichocki his appeal received in RMN support. It left only practical question: is this the time to look for an alternative solution. And who would have agreed to it, because it's a very uncomfortable situation, which would introduce additional chaos in the company. After parogodzinnych councils won the view that should be given a yellow card to the President Kurski and adopt a resolution to dismiss him at the same time prolongs the implementation of this resolution until the results of the competition - explained Czabański.

Head RMN stressed that "this yellow card, but only a yellow card. " - We had to take into account the opinions on TVP at the moment and the role of Jacek Kurski are divided - among viewers and political formation, which supports the changes in the public media. These sounds very positive and are also very critical. We could not neither one nor the others ignore - he said.

- I hope that the President Kurski will take part in the competition and prepare consistent and having the opportunity to implement a vision of the development of this company, which is a vision missing - he added.

TVP listed people. That's good

But while Czabański presented a long list of charges against Kurski. As he spoke, the television is in turmoil organizational antenna lose their subjectivity, they do not appear in the new programs, which would be completely mission. - Alarmed us, it is quite unclear, it is not known what the key personnel movement within the television. In most places do not take place competitions, which are an opportunity to select the best candidates - he said.

To be clear - Czabańskiemu not mind throwing TVP journalists, which took place in recent months. - TVP happen or good things on the screen are visible changes, but they are largely the nature of epidermal: swapped people in front of the camera, leading some programs, which is important, because it is a question of the credibility of these people, but this is not enough - he said.

Lans Kurski on TV is not very tasty

President of the RMN mind, however, drop-offs. - It signals that can not be underestimated. What not to speak about Nielsen - have to make reservations and probably need to look for new forms of measurement - but nonetheless Kurski is inconsistent: once the praises results of Nielsen and the other, when they are bad, it undermines them. Either or - Czabański said.

Another "worrying signals" refer to the financial situation of TVP. - If you must run TVP credit lines, it means that something is going wrong in the market of advertising and other commercial activities. In yesterday's speech by Jacek Kurski before the Council on the state of the company to these doubts we did not find answers - told the chairman.

Finally, he accused Kurski that "promotes himself more than television." - If I wanted to be mean to the President Jacek Kurski, I would have said that more attention devoted to change TVP and the construction of a strong, than promoting youth moreover often in that television. In my opinion it is not even too good to television, which is managed so as to promote - said Czabański.

We had to take into account the voices of the PiS

Czabański told that the decision on immediate appeal Kurski "aroused controversy among the people on the subject discussed. " - In what group this discussion to take place? Among the members of the Council and wider, and if so, to what? - Asked a journalist.

- This discussion took place among some members of the Council, but we had also to take into account the voices from the outside, that letter reached, the voices very important, because of the political formation, which advocates the radical and positive changes in the public media - said Czabański.

- There were speculations that the members of the Council had gone to consult on this matter with the chairman of Law and Justice Jaroslaw Kaczynski ... - demanded Margaret Werner-Wos. - Media are speculating of course, but it is only a matter of speculation - said the head of the Council.

It is not true that I do not like Kurski

- Kurski disappointed me, I will not He is hiding. But not undo his chances for the future, because I hope you will treat this seriously yellow card - repeated Czabański. He denied also that it does not like Kurski.

- It's speculation exaggerated, definitely. I was hoping that this is a man fit, who knows what he wants. And that will focus on the transformation of television in the right direction. Later, practice has shown that either the matter is too difficult and too resistant or not was - in my opinion - so efficient, as it presented. That is why I gained some criticism, but this is not about my personal relationship - said the head of the RMN.

The Polish Radio is also a problem

Czabański reported that "worrying signals" come to him as the first Polish Radio Program. As for the drop in audience and "no concept of how out of this." - I hope that the authorities will find Radio on it's way. Nevertheless, the competition here will also be conducted. Not because they good or bad, we estimate only competitions will be in all the public media, because the boards must come from the competitions - he said.

- First will be a contest for the board of TVP. This is a very serious competition, because it concerns the main medium of the public, which focuses the attention of all politicians and opinion formers. (...) We will carry out this contest until the end of September. Next week we worked on regulations - said

- We want competition was completely transparent, in certain parts of substantive transmitted to the public. Once this is completed, I suggested that the next competition concerned was called. a large radio, and then gradually regional stations - added.



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Comments (4)


                                 I wonder if any of ignorant people will buy it?









                                 Public television heals notorious liar. Act healing wrote loyal to the Communist Party-sheep. A discussion on a possible parliamentary watched will be the prosecutor of martial law - if you switch off the microphone and poszczuje low peasant-the deputy Pavlovich.

    Good change.







                                 "- We want competition was completely transparent, in certain parts of substantive broadcast to the public."

    Companion Czabański in the form. And why only "in certain parts of substantive?"
    Other parts will be non-related, Comrade Czabański? Or other parts of it will dressage bull by gawk Żoliborz and is not suitable for vision? LOL









                                 O Lord, and may virtues put on sackcloth, popełznijcie on his knees to the President and admit that you are not able to stick people to television (or radio), and no reasonable willingly will follow the successes and wonders, which makes PiS.





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