Wednesday, August 3, 2016

According to the journalists that the president PiS decided that the Kursk was on TV –

  Photo: Tomasz Gzell / PAP
  Jacek Kurski

– This gigantic chaos and mess – Jacek Kurski says the appeal, and then leave the position until mid-October Pawel Lisicki, editor in chief of “Tygodnik to things.” – I look at it with great amazement. I have the impression that we are dealing with incompetence. I totally do not know what was going on, why they wanted to dismiss the president Kurski, and if it was done, why not elected a new president, but restored Kurski – wonders Lisicki.

Bartosz T. Wieliński of “Gazeta Wyborcza” called the whole situation cabaret. – This shows how far the Polish left a good change of good practice. It is a disgrace for the state institutions. First, they canceled Kurski, then went to Kaczynski, who ordered them to restore Kurski, and they did it. It shows how a terrible way power is exercised in Poland – says Wieliński.

In Jaroslaw Kaczynski as who “pardoned” Kurski, also show our other caller. – If true is this information, which give other journalists and which we also described in the “Rzeczpospolita” that the final decision on the fact that Jacek Kurski remain in office, took Jaroslaw Kaczynski, it shows that the Media Council of the National is completely fictional – he says Michael Szułdrzyński after the first deputy editor-in-chief of “Rzeczpospolita”. – There is not much difference, or about who will be the president of TVP, determines the Exchequer dependent on the president of the ruling party or RMN subsidiary of the same party – states. – There are many indications that Monday was the PiS discussion on changes to the television. The fact that it was impossible to carry them to the end, shows that the war faction won the consistent interest formation. Due to the conflicting interests of different factions Jaroslaw Kaczynski decided to leave Jacek Kurski the position – adds Michael Szułdrzyński.

For that matter dismiss the head of TVP discussed before the meeting RMN in the leadership of the PiS, also indicates anonymity journalist well familiar environment right-wing politicians. – Krzysztof and Joanna Czabański Lichocka had authorized the president PiS appeal Kurski – says our interlocutor. – From what I know, it’s Sunday and Monday was fierce discussion in the circles of the PiS leadership – he adds. According to him, the successor Kurski had to be Anita Gargas or Margaret Raczyńska. – Appeared information that rely on Raczyńska. My sources say that president Kaczynski gave his consent, but everything was to be held in white gloves, which is probably the announcement of the competition. Meanwhile Czabański intoxicated with success went on rympał – says our interlocutor.

Another journalist, also associated with the Right, He believes that referencing Kurski from PiS RMN members acted on their own. – It was a coup. Kurski had to quickly go to someone, and that someone intervened, so it restored – says journalist anonymity.

Where did the idea dismiss the president of TVP? – It is widely known that there is a sharp conflict between Czabańskim and Kurski – corresponds to the Wojciech Wybranowski journalist “to things.” – You can see that Kurski this rivalry started losing. But he certainly will not give up without a fight. Now has two and a half months to prove that he can do but TV – adds Wybranowski.

About motifs statement says Michael Szułdrzyński of “Rzeczpospolita”. – The issue of personal grudges is double, because Joanna Lichocka, which submitted the application, belonged to the environment “Polish Gazeta” that not favorably looked at Jack Kurski – says Szułdrzyński. – He was the deputy Polish Solidarity strongly attacked the “Polish Gazeta” and “Polish Daily Gazeta”, in which Joanna Lichocka worked. Although I’m not so cowardly man to believe that a personal score had a decisive influence here – notes. – It seems that at the beginning of Jacek Kurski Jaroslaw Kaczynski convinced that as president of TVP can do what Kaczynski in an interview with “The Things” last calls “media shield”. This “media shield” is to rely on the fact that we are able to convince the audience that white is black and black is white. But as you can see, even PiS was not happy with what she was doing public television – sums Szułdrzyński.

TVP appeal Kurski surprised a lot of people. – This is a very bad decision – says Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy, director of TV Belsat. – TVP is a large institution and requires deliberate action, and such volatility and uncertainty make the whole organization ceases to operate. The sudden recall of the president of TVP would ensure that for three months can not be that there was nothing to settle. A television is a huge factory and must function properly. Yes, always changing presidents – Jacek Kurski is my 17th – and redundancies. But it’s good for television – adds Romaszewska-Guzy.

The first news of the immediate appeal Kurski also criticized Michal Karnowski, a member of the board of phratry, publisher of the weekly “On the Web”. “It is wrong and harmful decision” – wrote on the site “National Media Council, in my opinion sinned here pochopnością judgment and decision,” – he said. He stressed that the presidency Jacek Kurski assesses “positively”.

different opinion was Tomasz Sakiewicz, the editor-in-chief ” GP “and” GPC “. The service commented that the decision RMN “is a kind of censure for Jacek Kurski.” “I called him immediately for various reasons, perhaps also political. In contrast, executives PiS does not want to accept responsibility for its current and future operation. Because they wait for the competition and then cancel Kurski” – says Sakiewicz. And he adds that yesterday’s confusion “very Kurski makes the situation worse” in the competition for the President of TVP. “If someone expresses no-confidence vote and then decide the contest, it is difficult to candidate feel comfortable during the competition” – says chief of “GP” and “GPC”.



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