Sunday, April 5, 2015

Do you like sweets? This vision of the future you upset –

Dr Morgaine Gaye (“futurologist” foods) and Paul A. Young (chocolate maker) presented at the London exhibition Future Fest candy store future. Numerous exhibits were proof that due to problems with water and other changes taking place on our planet, sweets get through sophisticated 3D printing techniques. Cocoa and sugar because you will have to replace it.

Confectionery or luxury goods

“In 20 years chocolate will cost 10 pounds” – said Mr. Young, the manufacturer of chocolate.

Nearly 60 US Dollars for the label? Such prices will be possible, because the cocoa can be “more valuable than gold.” General poverty, which may become commonplace majority of the population, is to make the issue of sweets will be approached in an extremely different way than today.

Another exhibit, which symbolizes the sweetness of the increase in value is a luxury lamp made of cotton candy.

Fig. Rain Rabbit

Dessert with a 3D printer

According to the entrepreneurs in the future in every home will be a 3D printer for the “print desserts”. It’s all that chocolate becomes too expensive to use it as it is today. Will only be a decorative element, not the base.

Confectionery with pure chocolate will be something luxurious. They can also be produced by a 3D printer to make the best use intermediates.

Rain Rabbit

Fig. Rain Rabbit / FutureFest

Edible diamond with sweetener

Another exhibit on display at Future Fest was edible “diamond” made of isomalt. It is a popular sweetener widely used in the manufacture of chewing gum or drink. Why should we tuck this little appetizing today “candy”? Because sugar is also normal to disappear from our environment – mainly because of its negative impact on our health.

Rain Rabbit

Fig. Rain Rabbit / FutureFest

Confectionery presented by Gaye and Young diamonds, works of art, luxury goods. How Come? Because in the future will be just that: an expensive and exclusive. Such a presentation of something as universal as the sweetness is make us aware that the use of Earth’s resources will carry very specific consequences.

“Production of chocolate bars requires one thousand liters of water, including water needed to grow the plants themselves” – explains the BBC report citing the Water Footprint Network.

Praline with vegetables

Rain Rabbit

Fig. Rain Rabbit / FutureFest

That is why one of the exhibits presented at the exhibition were “balls desires”. Made of chocolate pralines are filled with dried fruit and vegetables. They acquire the taste only upon contact with saliva in our mouth. This is to symbolize the problems that we have because of the lack of water.

Problems with access to drinking water make something that today is cheap and the summer will not be available and accessible luxury. The exhibition is therefore warn us: the future is not rosy, we need to take better care of our planet.

[for BBC ] Pictures: Rain Rabbit / Flickr .com (CC)


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