Saturday, April 4, 2015

Archbishop Gądecki: “To light always victorious over darkness, good … –

Faith in the resurrection of Christ is the most important thing in our life, because it gives the ultimate direction. Without this faith, we would like the master of the vessel, which, although it is able to sail, but forgot where flows

– emphasizes the President of the Polish Bishops Archbishop Stanislaw Gądecki the wishes for Easter to all Poles in the country and abroad.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important truth of faith of every Christian – reminds Archbishop Stanislaw Gądecki. It is not the true birth of Christ, but that His bodily resurrection, as it is through the resurrection of Christ revealed himself as the true Son of God, the Lord of life and death.

President of the KEP explains that “radiation emanating from the resurrection helps to give birth and development of all human hope, all human needs, desires and plans.”

Without faith in this truth there is neither Christian nor Christianity. Only this is a Christian who believes in the resurrection of Christ.

– emphasizes Archbishop Gądecki.

Faith in the resurrection is the most important thing in our life, because it gives him the ultimate direction. Without this faith, we would like the master of the vessel, which, although it is able to sail, but forgot where flows

– explains the chairman of the Polish Episcopate.

This truth – continues the prelate – The Church carries in his heart, the living faith of Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the other women who first saw the empty tomb, and the faith of Peter, John and the other apostles.

Our faith is still based on the testimony of these brothers and sisters, who first saw the stone rolled away and the empty tomb, who testified that the crucified Jesus rose

– adds Archbishop Gądecki.

The joy of the resurrection of Christ is not, unfortunately, shared everywhere – Archbishop regrets Gądecki – is in contradiction with the weeping associated with many painful situations: poverty, hunger, disease, violence and wars.

For although Christ – through his resurrection – have already pulled the roots of evil, it still needs people who at any time and any place will help him to affirm his victory with the help of justice and truth, mercy, forgiveness and love

– reminds Archbishop Gądecki.

President of the KEP want to light the Risen Lord and His power reached first for all Poles in the country and abroad, and to help them become collaborators Risen. But hopes that it reaches the “all Christians who are with us profess faith in the Risen Lord on the road of ecumenism.”

Archbishop Gądecki hopes that “the resurrection flame light up the dark regions of our world “. is mentioned in the context of” the materialism and nihilism, that is the vision of the world, which can not go beyond what is experimental and inconsolable directed towards nothingness, which would be the ultimate haven of human existence. ”

Chairman of the KEP recalls that if we eliminate Christ and his resurrection, there is no departure for the man, and his every hope becomes an illusion.

Meanwhile, today’s message resonates with the power of the resurrection, in response to the concerns of skeptics. Yes, in the Easter morning everything was renewed

– notes Metropolitan Poznan.

The Archbishop Gądecki further wishes to those who are experiencing a lack of love, loneliness, abandonment, addiction – the encounter with the witnesses of the resurrection they saw Christ, who loves them, forgives and leads to the Father.

It is also important that the solidarity of people of good will came to many refugees from different countries who were forced to leave their loved ones and that poured in them courage and confidence.

In particular, the President of the Polish Bishops remembers the victims of violence and war in Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and the Middle East so many places and Africa, expressing hope that “the light of the Resurrection overcome the darkness of hatred” that experience.

May the Risen make that in every human heart is always victorious light over darkness, good over evil, joy over sadness, hope over despair, love over hate

– Archbishop Gądecki wishes.

In this context, the President of the KEP refers to the upcoming celebration of the 1050 anniversary of the Baptism of Polish, the followers of Christ to anyone wishing to forcefully suffered fruits of Baptism.

expresses the hope that the young people who will come next year from around the world to Polish WYD experienced in all the dioceses in the Missionary Week “joyful, truly Easter unacceptable.”

KAI / jkub


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