Thursday, May 7, 2015

Scientists are sounding the alarm: The remains uncontrolled ship … – Contact 24

Russian unmanned Progress 59 spacecraft, damaged and did not reach the ISS space station, now headed toward Earth. Experts predict that on Friday, May eighth approx. 9 am his remains may fall on the area of ​​London – the exact spot where the Thames flows into the North Sea, between the counties of Kent and Essex.

As the researchers, there is a very high probability that the eighth day of May on Friday, residents of the UK will be able to observe an unusual spectacle. Great Britain – actually as enumerated in detail by experts, in the vicinity of the metropolis Great Britain – probably fall short fragments carried the spacecraft, which was damaged shortly after launch towards the International Space Station from Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

The rain of flaming ” junk “

The ship was designed to provide astronauts staying on the ISS equipment, professional tool for experimentation and basic equipment including oxygen, food and water. Once you have lost contact with the control unit and the spacecraft appeared on the orbit not as previously assumed. For a couple of days a vessel is blocked within higher coating atmosphere, revolves around its axis and loses speed. Experts agree that the ship should burn up in the atmosphere, but significant elements located on board equipment can survive the flight to the ground and hit her. The heaviest and largest fragment, which probably will not be burnt, there are about 200 kilogram docking mechanism. A whole load weighed almost 3 tons.

Holder Krag with the European Space Agency claims that the risk of collision in the human habitat is negligible. The entire load will not fall down to the ground in one piece. The greater part will be destroyed at an altitude of about 80-70 km above the planet, only some fragments will be able to survive the combustion cycle “- he explains. “The individual components are likely to fall even in the distance of 100 kilometers,” – he added.

Scientists have exchanged yet another crash site space debris, inter alia, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

As beheld the British media yet no one was killed by falling debris the spacecraft to the ground.

heavenly i road defeat

The loss capsule can cause significant problems for the International Space Station. Located crew there, however, argues that it still has enough food and calls for help from their partners.

Failed Russian mission cost about $ 50 million.


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