Friday, April 3, 2015

Mysterious flashes as a signal of an alien civilization? –

Quick flash radio (FRB), one of the most mysterious signals coming to us from outer space … become even more mysterious. Analysis of 10 published just registered so far has shown flashes that they share amazing mathematical regularity, which astronomers can not on the basis of current scientific knowledge to explain. As soon as it has been hypothesized that the bursts may originate from an alien civilization, yet equally plausible, however, suspected that it was a trace of human activity.

The radio telescope [photo. Illustration]


As he writes on its website the magazine “New Scientist” , for the first time astronomers have observed a flare in 2001. His name, FRB (fast radio burst) is associated with the fact that the signal takes a very short time, no longer than a few milliseconds. The energy of this flash is, however, a huge, comparable to the energy emitted by the sun during the month. Pulse parameters indicate that the source must be very small, on the order of at most hundreds of kilometers, probably located far beyond our galaxy.

In order to determine from a distance, such as pulses reach the Earth, astronomers analyze the phenomenon dispersion. Each signal consists of a plurality of frequencies and therefore the interaction with the electrons present in the space extends in time. Lower frequency signals are greater delay than higher frequency signals and come to us later.

Based on the analysis of this delay, researchers from Germany and the United States, Michael Hippke Wilfried Domainko and John Learned counted individual point sources signals. And here we find any sign of a true sensation. Measure of the dispersion of the individual signals are multiples of a single number: 187.5. This can be interpreted as evidence that the source signals are set relative to the earth at equal intervals, spanning billions of light years away.

A surprising regularity that have got discovered Hippke, Domainko and Learned

/ New Scientist /

The study, published on the portal, Hippke, Domainko and Lerned do not exclude any other possibilities. Perhaps the signal sources are much closer, within the Milky Way and just emit signals, starting with the highest frequency, the intermediate, and lowest. That still does not explain, however, what could be the source. No known phenomenon does not fit. The effect does not seem too coincidental. The authors calculated that the chance of accidental appearance of such property flashes is roughly 5 to 10,000.

In a situation where for a given phenomenon does not appear ready to explain various hypotheses. Firstly, it can not be ruled out that the statistics of flashes is still small enough that you are only “we think” that are arranged in a mathematical regularity. Second, if further observed flashes fits into this scheme, you will look for them a new, previously unknown mechanism. Their source to be, for example, some pulsars. Thirdly, it can not be excluded that emits signals an unknown astronomers spy satellite, terrestrial origin completely. And finally, at the end, if other hypotheses fail, you will be able to look at the signals traces of some alien civilization. It’s the least likely hypothesis, but – as you might predict – it will be the most loudly.


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