Unusual phenomenon called “bloody” the moon will be visible from Friday to Sunday in North America, Asia and Australia . Some religious leaders say it is a sign that Jesus returns to Earth – tells the “Daily Mirror”.
Photo: Martin Pugh / NASA
Blood Moon announces the coming of the Savior – American pastor says
“Blood” Moon can be observed, Silver Globe enters the Earth’s shadow; then our planet occupies a position on the line Moon – Sun and completely obscures the sun’s rays. The phenomenon will be visible in North America, Asia and Australia.
Pastor John Hagee coming from Texas believes that situation, what we are witnessing is the beginning of an important world events. It may even be coming again of Jesus.
O “blood-soaked moon,” he says, inter alia, Protestant King James Bible and the Gospel of St. Luke. Pastor says that next time will be “unique and will lead to changes in which Israel will play a special role.”
The phenomenon of” Blood Moon “happened only a few times in the past two thousand. years and, interestingly last three recorded cases coincided with important religious events.
The first which took place in 1493 and accompanied the Jews were expelled by the Spanish Inquisition. The second coincided with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1949. The third tetrad occurred in 1967, much earlier than expected and it did exactly during the Six-Day Arab-Israeli War.
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